Proxemic Zones

Proxemic Zones
We typically leave more space between us and those who we do not know.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Proxemics Acitivity

Here is a fun and interactive activity for you to try. Next time you are on an elevator, try to think about these 6 things and see how either you, or other people, react.

1) While you are waiting for the elevator, look at how many people are waiting with you. If you are alone, would you feel more or less comfortable with more people there.

2) If there are 1 or 2 people on the elevator, notice where they are standing. Are they leaning against they walls or standing in the corners?

3) Now what happens when more people enter the elevator. If there are more than four people, how does everyone arranged themselves to give a maximum amount of personal space to one another.

4) Ask yourself "How close is too close to stand beside someone" Are you in someone's way? If so, what actions do you make for one another to be comfortable.

5) Notice what people look at in a crowded elevator. Did anyone make eye contact with you. If so, was it akward and did you imediately look away?

6) When can you talk to someone on the elevator? Do you have to know them first?

All these questions can be completely related to Proxemics. For example, we tend to maximize space on an elevator by standing in the corners and leaning against the walls. When elevators get crowded they also tend to remain quite, even if someone was previously talking before entering the elevator. People also tend to not make eye contact and stare at the level indicator light as the elevator travels. All these aspects are part of the cultural aspects of Proxemics. In other countries, riding an elevator may be a totally different experience due to what that culture may find as normal.

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